Dog Planet

Mała kraina psów, gdzie wszystko jest piękne.

#106 2013-09-09 19:08:39


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

To dobry pomysł, tam mógłby być też ten mały szczeniaczek dla niej.
Czy sądzicie, że Shez dobrze zaopiekuje się Daisy?



#107 2013-09-09 19:13:21


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

No pewnie tak, znając spokój Sheza |D
Sądzicie, że Luna w końcu będzie szczęśliwa? o:

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#108 2013-09-09 19:17:25


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Szczeniaczek na pewno złamie ból samotności...
A czy Shez będzie kiedy szczęśliwy? ;p

Ostatnio edytowany przez Skeet (2013-09-09 19:17:50)



#109 2013-09-09 19:22:00


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Zobaczymy, zobaczymy C:
Czy myślicie, że Megan kiedykolwiek wróci na dA i tu?

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#110 2013-09-09 19:24:20


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

A kto tam wie...
Czy sądzicie, że Skeet dobrze się zachowuje? xD Wyraźcie opinie, przyjmie nawet krytykę.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Skeet (2013-09-09 19:24:38)



#111 2013-09-09 19:33:16


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Ja nie mam zastrzeżeń O:
Czy sądzicie, że oprócz szczeniaka poznamy kogoś nowego?

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#112 2013-09-09 19:48:51


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Na pewno tak, nawet byłoby fajnie C:
Czy myślicie nad specjalnym tematem z żartami? Albo ze śmiesznymi obrazkami i filmikami, albo wszystko w jednym?



#113 2013-09-09 20:00:18


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Chcę go założyć, jako Off-top, ale często mam za dużo roboty. :c
Co myślicie o wprowadzeniu psiej wersji mnie? (Angel)

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#114 2013-09-09 20:02:41


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Czy sądzicie, że niedługo nadejdą kłopoty w mieście?



#115 2013-09-09 20:08:06


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Myślę, że tak D:
Co sądzicie o tym, żeby dokończyć przygodę jutro?

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#116 2013-09-09 20:24:25


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Ok C:
Czy sądzicie, że wszyscy wyjdą bez szwanku?

Ostatnio edytowany przez Skeet (2013-09-11 14:43:44)



#117 2013-09-11 18:00:15


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Nie psuj moich planów >:c
Czy Luna wyjdzie bez szwanku? o:

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#118 2013-09-11 18:29:25


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Ktoś na pewno będzie ranny :X
Myślicie, że Hurrein teraz nie da się tak łatwo zranić?



#119 2013-09-11 18:39:50


Jackie Ma

Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-19
Posty: 1717
Punktów :   
Postać: Alex Fang Luna Sun Diam Cira

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Robi się coraz silniejszy.
Czy myślicie, zę ta czarna husky była matką naszego przybranego synka Luny?

I told the world, one day I would pay it back
say it on tape and lay it recording so that one day I can play it back
but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt's starting to creep in, everyday is just so gray and black
hope, I just need a ray of that, cause no one sees my vision
when I play it for 'em they say it's wack
but they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest
you picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you, before the life in me
I don't see why you don't see like I do



#120 2013-09-11 19:03:53


Ktoś ważny

Call me!
Skąd: Polska
Zarejestrowany: 2013-08-20
Posty: 1324
Punktów :   
Postać: Shez, Hurrein, Katrina, Skeet

Re: Co sądzicie o...

Wszystko jest możliwe, zależy jak ten malec będzie wyglądać.
Myślcie, że Hurrein da radę hyclom? (Jak nagle zaatakują?)

Ostatnio edytowany przez Skeet (2013-09-11 19:05:14)



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